I was invited by a colleague whose kids are in Sishya, to take my son to the Fete held in their school. :-) I enjoyed the evening and yes, it brought back so many memories (of my school-days!) and helped me create fresh ones with my son...Here's the gist of all that came flooding to my head...
(a) Seeing the 'Young Kids' act older than their age was an amusing reminder of the way we have been same too, long ago. :-) The thought that they too would soon outgrow being 'their age' was painful somewhere.
(b) Even funnier was to see, we grown-ups tryin to feel/behave younger than we are. :-))
(c) There was this long queue for 'Tatoo' for the kids and a fresh-looking high-school girl waiting to get a 'Scorpion' done on her face. :-) While waiting for his turn, my son waivered between 'Power Ranger' - 'Batman' - 'Spiderman' and returned to original choice 'Power Ranger' just when our chance came. I was glad, I didn't have to waste the maker's time while my son tried to decide!
(d) Even the small girls prove they are 'Girls' and boys prove they are 'Boys' by selecting 'Butterflies" and "Spiderman" respectively...
(e) The 'Pony Ride' - The 'Pony' was much more of a 'Horse' than a Pony! I considered my tiny little one, and the Horse seemed 8-10 times Sahil's size...it didn't take me long to back-off from the ride. At that minute, wished Sahil's dad was with us so I could unhesitatingly push the little fellow forward. Moral Support!
(f) Wanted to get my Hair 'Streaked' and the little one's 'Styled' but the crowd was HUGE in both the stalls. I was sure, had we tried to get a turn; my hair and Sahil's would have been 'pulled in all directions' and may not even be on our heads eventually! :-) Gave it a glance and a pass.
(g) Merry-go-round was 'rounding-off' at such a speed that I felt dizzy watching other children on it. I asked Sahil if he wanted to go on that, he said - "No. Mumma." :-)
(f) I always thought my son would like Cotton Candy...he didn't! :-) Tried spitting it out (like he does with food thats not of his liking) and messed his mouth. :-)
(g) Bullock-Cart Ride - This was the 'Star Item'. Paid for it and made my son comfortably sit in the traditionally covered cart. The cart had some windows and Lo! within a minute my son jumped into my lap through the window. He felt the two Bulls in the front would take him somewhere away from me. Missed the first round - as he was not willing to sit - until he understood the extent of the ride!
While the cart made the First Round, I tried boosting his confidence by making him understand that they would return to where I was standing. Second round, he allowed me to seat him again. Just when the ride began, his wailing too!! Before I could decide how to handle him (as I didn't want him to miss the experience)...the Bullock-Cart Ride agent started requesting me to join my son for the ride! I felt foolish for a second, but then thought, if he doesn't have a problem - why am I thinking so much! Just got into the Cart and all the little ones turned to acknowledge the grown-up by their side. My son - ofcourse, was the happiest. :-) As I was beginning to feel at ease, my colleague spots me adjusting myself inside the cart and announces - "I don't think the Ride is for the Parents!" I wished, I could vanish. :-))
One saving grace was, the silly thought in my head - "What all the kids make their parents do!"
(h) Birds and Animals - This was fun. Sahil tried to catch the two ducks and was amused at hear their sound. We saw birds, parrot (it even sat on my shoulder, Sahil was scared!), cats/Kittens and Rabbits! :-)
Overall, a Big Thanks to S for inviting us to the Fete. :-)
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