Monday, May 26, 2008

2 Weeks Before Turning 3...

The Littul ons' Bday is due in 2 weeks...he already seems Big for his age. What's he been doing off late???

--- The other day when Hubby could not start our car, as the battery had got little old and cold...I had the honour of dropping my son to his Pre-Kg class on my bike. While I was hurrying to get my keys and other stuff; my little fellow searched through his pile of toys (broken mostly) for his toy car and pulled-out the batteries with much Joy! He went running to his dad with his Eureka! and says, "Papa, look, Sahil got battery. Now, we go in car?" His dad had to explain to him that his toy car only can run with those batteries...

--- He somehow feels everything that glows is because of "battery". As we go together on my bike, and he finds that the signals are not working...he asks me, "Mumma, signal not working, battery finished?"

--- I had scolded him a few days ago for running out the main gate at his creche, while I was fetching his bag. Yesterday, as we walk hand-in-hand out of the same gate, he questions me: "Mumma, why you left gate open? Sahil run out know, then? You scold me know." He was reasoning with me that its my fault if I leave the gate opened and tempt him to go beyond the safe zone! How apt. :-)

---Yesterday, being a holiday, I was pampering him since he woke up. As I refused to give in to his demand for 'chips', he tells me, "Mumma, now don't make cry, okay?" I laughed until I could digest that he is subtly using emotional blackmail already!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mothers' Day and Me!

It brings a smile as I count my blessings. My little 'almost-3-year-old' son went shopping with his dad to get a 'ghiffth' for his 'mumma'. Wished me 'Appy Muther's Day - Mumma' with a naughty smile as he handed me a lovely card. The card - of course - courtesy my hubby was a touchy one - signed as 'Saku' - jus as my son likes to be called these days.

Being unprepared for the surprise, it meant much much more. They wrapped up a lovely 'mum holding son' show-piece for me! Being the kid he is, saku was more impatient that me and could hardly hold on, until I opened the wrapping, unveiling the gift. Best was yet to come.... as my eyes filled up with motherly warmth, Saku announces that the lady is 'mumma' and the baby is 'saku'. I jus wished, even though it was a present for 'Muther's Day'... somewhere a special place must have been for the father who guided my little one - to make it so special for me.

Anyway... am sure, he now knows, we (my son and I) must be upto something when his day approaches! Wait for Father's Day man!!!

*Note: Will put up a pic of the 'ghiffth' here!