Monday, August 18, 2008

3 Full Days with Sahil

The long weekend seemed really long with my son acting kiddish and grown-up at will!

1. Bought a Study Board for him. More than using the chalk, my little one was eagerly waiting to use the duster. :-) Had a thot, how nice it would be if we all had a duster to wipe off sad memories too?

2. As my niece had met him just a week ago, we couldn't meet this week. The Rakhi that I tied to little fellow on her behalf, he chose to refer as "Watch". The one his dad wore, had a lovely small peacock.

3. As he passes a glass of juice to his father, he repeats my instructions to his dad! - "Papa, Oold it 'Carefully'."

4. Sahil was telling me, he wants to play with me by running from a distance and jumping at me. I was telling him, we will play that a little later. He suddenly looks at me with an attitude and says, "I am 'Serious'." I burst out laughing at his seriousness but he got what he wanted. :-)

5. Saturday morning, as I stood and watched TV, my son had the guts to question me - 'Mumma, why you watching TV? Why not Making fud for papa and me?" For a second, I wanted to take his class on me not being a cook but the Lady of the House. I then reminded myself, whatever I may be, its the role I play at different times that dictates the orders I get. :-) I gladly ensured that the little fellow and his dad help me with the so called 'making fud'.

6. After having 1/4th glass of Pepsi and one apple, Sahil complained of stomach pain. As I began to reproach the pepsi he had had, my son says, "Pepsi not making my stomach pain, apple itna saara khaya na (ate so much apple na), that's why my stomach paining." Don't worry, I ensure he gets v little of the bad stuff, that too v rarely. :-)

7. His new statements in anger - "I'll not take you cycling alcho. I will not give you coloring alcho."

Big Bazzar @ Vadapalani

Having been to Big Bazaar @ Banglore, I looked forward to a similar experience @ Vadapalani. Was worth it. :-)

Spent close to 4 hours there during the weekend. Good deals, good profits, good ambience and Good Quality. Guess thats the difference between the Saravana Stores that ruled the 'economic buyers' minds for sometime in Chennai now. Its the Quality of products thats catchy at Biz Bazzar.

Aug 15-16-17 being some 'Maha-Sale' a lovely carpet for half its price... Besides good offers on Fruits, Juices, Towels, Bottoms for my son and other house-hold goodies. :-) The clean wash-rooms are an added advantage, esp. for families that come to shop with their kids. Well managed. Of course, some more pointers to the Wash Room would help.

Just one hitch - we had to wait and eventually hunt for a trolley. Probably BB must employ some help for taking the trolleys back from people leaving the shopping mall and hand-over to people entering the same.

My Rating - 9.5/10 :-)

Niketa Mehta and the God's Decision

The Creator has ruled against the Court. :-)

Niketa had a miscarriage few days ago. As earlier, many would have their own views and voices for/against the same...all said and done, as a parent, I can understand the relief the couple must be in now. Thank God.

Both ways its pain.
Emotional Strain.
Tearing the heart nowto avoid known bane.
Sadly though...,
Still being thought insane?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Just Before Rakhi - Weekend Updates

Met Khushi and Di last weekend. Khushi is my 6 year old niece. She is Sahil's elder sister.

1. Bro had got similar coloring books for both the kids. Sahil spoilt first 2 pages (partly) in his book and then, wanted to exchange his book with Khushi's! When Khushi was upset and not talking to him, Sahil tries to make her understand, "Both same same lion only know". I thot, if they are same, even after he colored in one - why did he wanna exchange? :-) He failed at convincing Khushi but succeeded in amusing us.

2. Di clicked a cute pic of both the kids, Khushi was somehow managing to carry Sahil off the ground. On re-looking at the pictures captured in the mobile, we came across a similar picture in almost same pose, that was taken 2 months ago! Somehow, the posture seemed new and old both!

3. Had fun with we all playing "Chidiya Udd" that sahil likes to call, "Butterfly Fly". :-) Just before patting the hand as punishment, instead of only adding the 'masala', sahil also says, "salt, masala dosa". :-)) I was glad to hear Sahil say, "Pigeon, Parrot, Crow" all by himself! It was also good to see, when Khushi was calling out "Table Flies", Sahil announces, "Table not can fly". "Know mama?"

4. Saku becomes a Copy-cat with Khushi. If didi using spoon, so will he. If didi doing Coloring, so does he. If Didi says she wants to do to Toilet, he does tooo!! Heights, isn't it!?!

5. On being asked to be generous all the time, with Sahil's demands for Khushi's Balloon etc, Khushi asks her mum, "You not like me know?" I just wished, I could explain asking her to give it to her younger bro has nothing to do with not liking Khushi! :-( Didi spoke to Khushi and I admonished Sahil. Both the parents failed to reconcile the children at that moment. A few minutes later, they were again playing together.

6. Worth keeping safe is the memory of both the kids having cold-coffee with one straw each, out of the same glass. :-)

7. How could I forget this? After having tender coconut in the evening, Khushi announces, in her big-girl tone - "I can hold my coconut in my hands, Sahil is small so he can't do it now." I was just glad, Sahil did not hear that statement and take up the challenge. His "Power Ranger" spirit is over-determined at this stage of his life. He doesn't want to give up on anything easily. :-) I can't afford to break my little toe with the coconut falling on my foot!!

Whats In a Thought - My 50th Post

I was thinking of clinching a deal and was wondering, if it will eventually come to me. This is the thought that struck while I was pondering...

What is Mine, No One Can Take.
What is Not Mine - Can Not be at Stake.

Why worry? If its meant to come to me, it will. Even when I least expect it. Just as so many other pieces of the life's-puzzle that have somehow fixed themselves in a lovely form around me. If it doesn't come to me, that means its made place for something else, that will come. Right? Also, if it doesn't come to me, why must I worry for the loss?

How can I lose something that was never mine? Get the idea? ;-)

Pat on the Back to Meee!

The Overactive Traffic Policeman I blogged about...was taken up as a "hot topic" in Adyar Times 10-August-2008 paper!!! Sadly, I do not find an online version of the paper to link it here. Will post a picture of the Policeman from the newspaper cutting... :-)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Niketa Mehta's Case - My views as a Woman and Mother

By God's grace, I have a healthy child.

Even then, I have always felt and understood how difficult it is for parents of a 'unhealthy' child to bring up the same. Not just the financial crisis, there is so much of emotional pain involved too. I understand, once born, the child needs dedication and care. As a parent, I am sure, all of us want and pray for healthy babies. Why then, we fail to support the Mehtas? Only because they have approached the Court? Or is it because we are as it is against abortion, even though its advised on medical grounds? The issue as I understand is basically, do the parents-to-be have the right to decide? As the law stands, No. Why???? Why don't we allow the parents-to-be to decide? Who is anyone else to decide what is right or wrong for them or their family?

Whatever be the law, as a woman and as a mother - only thing I can understand is... If I have to undergo the emotional torture of tearing myself apart to decide to end the life that's blossoming within me - I alone must be allowed to decide. Why should I have to look upon anyone else - other than my partner (at the maximum) to take the decision? Am I a selfish woman? Why do I have to Sacrifice what I feel is best, for Society or Court? Don't we tell ourselves to go with our gut feeling in most cases? Then, as a mother, if I feel for my child and I do not want to let my child suffer in future (once it comes to this world), why am I not thought capable of deciding? How can anyone else judge what I feel or not feel? How can I find sense in the "Hopefully, child will be born fine. If not also, parents must be willing to take care." It is because the parents are
willing to take care, we are thinking and feeling in the first place. Why is this abortion plea being looked upon as "shunning responsibility"? Why are we failing to see - the common sense?

Isn't it common sense not to bring a life into this world that would suffer? That would be dependent? That would cause pain to himself and the parents through the sorrow it would suffer?

Isn't it easy to just watch others battle out the sensitive issue? We would be doing just that, right, when the parents struggle with their baby (true, baby MIGHT be perfectly formed, but as of now, there are 'least' chances of that)... Who are we or the court to decide? Is the Court or the Judge the ultimate parent who is going to see 'his-own-born' suffer? Have you brought a child to this world to even know a bit of what it means?... Why do we fail to see that even the parents who approached the court, would have broken-their-own-heart to take the decision from their side in the first place? How can we be heart-less enough to say - as they are not attached to the child - they can give the child to some NGO when the child is born?

How many unknown abortions are taking place all over the world? Who is being held accountable for that? Why then, in this case, its becomes so much of an ethical drama? Please. Let the mum decide!

At this point I began thinking of re-organizing my thoughts (for better readability)...and I checked out other posts that had been written for the same case. Check this out for a comprehensive sumary... <>

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sahil Speaks...

1. As he observes so much of all that he gets to see, he learnt about "Deodorant" sometime ago. For convenience, he calls it "deello". I have tried my level best to explain the harmful side-effects if the spray gets into ensure Sahil does not ever use it by himself. We also keep those away from his reach.

Last evening, as we had a yucky surprise visitor - read Cockroach!, hubby sprayed the "Red Hit" over that. Sahil comes running to me with a sulky face and says, "Mumma, papa using Red Deello on cockroach, mumma." :-)

2. The other day, sahil surprised me by talking like an adult. As his dad was going to reach home late, and it was already dinner-time, I enquired if the little fellow will eat his dinner. He asks me, "When Papa coming?" Before I can answer, he tells me, "Let papa come. Then we eat." That particular day, no amount of convincing helped and he ate with his dad only.

3. The other day little fellow was insisting his dad gears up for a 'fist-fight' with him. Dad being tired was trying to avoid, so he suggested, "Let's watch some Action movie". Immediately comes the reply - "Ac-chun movie also they doing like this know. Dishum dishum, I'll shoot you". "U come papa, Sahil not beat you more. we play slowly-slowly". I was amused at the explanation trying to wade away his dad's fears!

4. The songs he sings and how!
------ "Oh baby when U talk like that!" - "Abhimanyu* dont talk like that"
*Abhimanyu is another fellow at his creche!"
------ "Dekho dekho kya woh paed hai" - "Deiko deiko, kya paid hai?"
------ "We are going to Ibiza" - "We are goin to eat pizza". :-)
------ "Main kabhi batlata nahin" - "main kabhi. I not like this song".
------ "You are my honey bun, sugar pummpy-umpkin, sweety pie. Apple of my eye"

5. If he does not see me immediately when he calls for me, on seeing me, he says, "mumma, where you gone? I churching for you." :-(

6. He shocked me one day, as I picked him up from creche. He tells me, "Ajay fighting with me today. Sahil not Aajay friend. Ajay kill me." The "Kill" is actually - tamil for pinching!

7. He has learnt to say - "Water". I liked it more when he used to say, "Taughter".

8. Off late, he has been hearing my bro and me discussing about "passport". Last night, just before sleeping, he fakes that he is making a call to me. He says, "Mumma, hello, mumma, where are you?" I said, "Hie Sahil, I am at Kripas. (Kerala)". Then I ask him, "Sahil, where are you?" He says, "I am at A-Port (airport). I want Paa-port (Passport). You bring. Okay. Bye". :-))

Friday, August 1, 2008

Straws and Bubbles

Just as I was thinking, I don't have anything new to blog about...I got 2 emails from my friend/sister saying they are happy to read about the little fellow. :-))
* A friend of mine was telling me how her nephews reacted to the 'Drinking Straws'. I could recall how we adults take this simple thing for granted, whereas, as a parent, this is something we 'teach' our kids! It seems the twin boys (aged 3) were pretty comfortable with using spoons to eat their food but had not been introduced to 'straws' until they went to a juice shop. On seeing their aunt (my friend) easily drink up her juice, they imitated the same - causing only bubbles and juice flowed out of the glass. :-) They were blowing air into the glass instead of sucking the juice (just like Sahil had done the first time!). Moreover, when the repeat tries were not successful, they were put off by the failure and chose not to drink the juice, if they can't have it with straw! :-( Of course, now they have mastered the 'art'. :-))
* Bubbles. No wonder the baby-shower-gel companies decorate the bottles with Big Big Bubbles. My dear Sahil loves to point-out the Bubbles (which we fail to notice!) while bathing or even while brushing. He watches the Bubble excitedly until it breaks - while it slips from his arm, until his toe, onto the floor! The more, the better.