1. Good Night Guys - While I was in US, saku announced one night to his dad - "Good Night Guys". with a smile. Jeshee was pleasantly surprised as that is his way of switching himself off!! :-)
2. Ammmama....annamaaa - One fine day, saku kept calling me as "Ammamaa" and "Annnamaaa". Thats the way he addresses his Grandmother and GreatGrandmother!
3. Gifthh - aeroplane and gifthhh
4. Laptop for meeeeee??
5. Cart-wheel Trials
6. Ajay "dous" instead of does. (do + esss)
7. The "Why" man - "why we going on mum's bike?", "why papa not dropping me to school?", "why we staying in naaani house?", "why you missed me when you gone in the US?", "why khushi didi not staying in my house?", "why we going in the big van?".
8. I went in the Taxi know, I take you now in Taxi. Yesss, seriously.
9. I want to eat Vegeeetable. Ladies finger only.
10. One day, one day papa know, take me to d beach know, one doggy coming near papa. Then know, papa walking fast. After chumtime know, sahil ask papa, "why papa walking fast?".
11. Understands jokes! - washing the bathroom; broom hanging - witch house?
12. mimics my laugh as taught by his dad!! (hehahaha)
13. lather, loofah and fun!
14. He tries to lift his eye upper lid and all that!!!!! He doesnt get it right yet...but wonder who taught him that at crechei am trying my best to stop him.
15. Like on opening fridge he says, "mummy, when I small know, I not can open the fridge, Yesss, I not can do. Now I open the fridge know. I am big boy now."
16. The other day in park, he went (climbed and came down) a high arched circular hanging mettalic exercise type swing and I was - flabbergasted at all that my son could do, all by
himself!! Thanks to the Monkey Genes in him? ;-)
I guess you meant Crech :-)
I guess you meant Creche :-)
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